Tuesday, November 25, 2008

that darn coach.....

I love my coach.... I love my coach..... I love my Torture Trainer..... NOT...! I swear I must be his worst nightmare, because I belong to a gym with a pool and hate like hell to pay to swim anywhere else..... but he puts my swims on days that the pool doesn't jive too well so I just swap stuff around....
Last year I couldn't wrap my head around running more than 20 minutes, this year the magic number was 40.... but now I guess I should set a new goal... like running to Billings Montana! I ran 60 mins this morning and it really felt good, so I guess that one is out the window...I feel like I am at the same place speed wise and endurance wise as last year, so nowhere to go but up!

If you want to look at a great cause, check out www.ironmanforkids.com a website to help raise money for kids with trisomy 13... he and buddy Dave rock! Racing for others is just the ultimate!

So hopefully I can SBR my way to a sub 6 in NO.... keep me in your thoughts.!

As always, the Ironchick Michele

Friday, November 21, 2008

now it's N'awlins!

Thanks to my friends Patty and Paul, I am registered and training for IM 70.3 New Orleans. After last year, I was hesitant, as I have had the worst year of my life. I had to have my beloved dog Lucy put to sleep, I had numerous panic attacks, then my whole world imploded. People don't really know what to say... you can't see crazy, right? lol

Fast forward to now.... life is humming along fairly well, and except for kidney stones (make them give you morphine) life is also pain free. Well, except for what Mark makes me do in my training sessions! I swear that man looked harmless at the pool last year..... he's a sadist in need of new victims! Pick me, I want to be fast!

I have also lost 18 lbs and still shrinking, so wish me luck, keep reading and remember..... pain is temporary... the satisfaction of putting your life back together and doing a 70.3 is forever