Thursday, October 8, 2009

The new Year begins!

what a difference a year makes.... last year at this time my mind was so fragile that training was so tentative.... little baby steps.... this year is so different..... I have so much more confidence that training is just part of my day now.... not something to be feared.

I am just hoping that this will translate into some faster times, stronger races and prizes! The past year was all about dipping in my toes.... now I need to be worked like a rented mule! It seems so much easier to haul my butt out of bed and get to the pool with a renewed commitment.... I certainly hope it lasts!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Another Year done!

Hey, I know it's been awhile since I posted, but it doesn't seem to be too widely read and most of my friends know what's going on.

I have successfully completed all three races I set out to do in 2009, albeit slowly, but no faster than expected after 7 years off for injury and lethargy. I think that 2009 finally got my head going in the right direction with my body following closely.

Recapping, I did New Orleans in April, recording my longest tri finish in 7 years and my fastest bike split of the year. Hot as it was, I don't think anything could have taken away the happiness and relief I felt at crossing that line. A confidence booster and vindicator it was. Sylvan was my nemesis in July... I had attempted and not finished that race twice, and I was bound bent and determined to complete it. I set out what I wanted to do, bettering my NOLA time by 25 seconds, having my best swim of the year and battling a really tough bike, then running 4 minutes faster than NOLA...... most important, I finished it.

Last, but not least, I raced Sooke on July 13, and to say the bike course was challenging was an understatement. The hill in that race was so tough I ran my bike up the second part all 4 loops. I had my personal worst both in the bike and overall, but I ran my best time off that tough bike, for the year, on a tough bike course. Could I have done better? Maybe, but not on the day or the season.

I can't consider any of 2009 a failure. I'm not where I want to be timewise or fitness wise, but that will all come with a consistent winter of training and dropping down to my race weight at last.

2010 is looking well.... plans are for a training camp and race in Hawaii in March, Lethbridge in May, Boise in June, Sylvan in July and Muskoka in September with a few others thrown in for sharpness.

All my thanks go out to my friends who have supported me, my coach who guided me and the genetics that let me do what I do where so many others can't. Many of my friends have gone, some are incapable of movement, others are simply lost souls.... I count my blessings....

Till soon


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the beast is done!

I got Sylvan done.... it was not pretty after the swim, which was the best of my life. The bike was hard, hot, windy and hilly, and the run was a mind game the last 5 km but it's over! No more jinx! I do know where I have work to do, it's getting out and mixing it up on the bike with a group for the next 5 weeks and going longer on the run. Then hopefully Sooke will see improvements in those areas.

Mark, I can never thank you enough.... I had the confidence and the fortitude to get rid of a ghost!

Monday, June 15, 2009

getting trashed

I took a few weeks of limited training due to personal issues and family committments, and man, I paid this week in spades! I don't know if it was just not remembering how to eat, or my muscle memory has shortened to 3 nanoseconds, but I am thankful for having this Monday off, as looking ahead, Mark has me working even harder this week... That, coupled with being on a course all week and being expected to be quiet, not ask questions and learn, it should be interesting. I think I'll just use my workouts to pound the bs out of my body!

Like everyone else, life for me is a balance.... all my friends say I'm so dedicated.... I liken it to being the thing that makes me the happiest at this time in my life. I can't see that changing for awhile. My friend Paul says that his philosopy is simple, and it's one I have embraced.... live your life for yourself and do what makes you happy. If you meet someone who shares your philosophy and can be together without settling, life is good. If one person depresses what they want to let the other person live their life their way, it doesn't work. People get hurt, people get resentful, and things get ugly. I have been through the days where I suppressed what I wanted to let the other person have their way.... it really doesn't work. That would be why I am single. If there's someone out there who can put up with my workouts, can put up with me being happy with my life, and likes the fact I would allow him to do the same, tell me who you are!

On a completely different note, my friend Sean did his first 1/2 this weekend in Kansas, and he did great. Linsey was second in Boise behind her team mate Maggali, and that's not too shabby for not doing much running after NO.... I am gearing up for Sylvan Lake, the race that has taken it's toll on me for two years.... this is going to be third time lucky..... my body and my mindset are completely different....

My friends, smiling and enjoying life is a lot easier, a lot more fun and a lot less stressful than worrying and being afraid. Sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching, and love like you're not worried about your heart breaking...... it works..... swim, bike, run, live, love, laugh, celebrate and enjoy!

PS If anyone takes offense to the BS part about my course, please see me instead of running to the boss to whine and brown nose! lol


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yes, I can

I am so lucky that during my lifetime I found that sweet place in my life once again. Most people never find it, I got it back! I am content, fit, training well, and loving life.... not much more to say. I guess I got that one moment in time.....

Friday, May 1, 2009

techno dopey

I can't seem to get the photos Donna sent me to download on here. I want to show people my race in NOLA, but I must have missed that day! Any help would be appreciated.

On a good note, training is going well, despite missing Wednesday due to a broken tooth. Thankfully I can make things up as I go through the rest of the week. That's what comes with having no life...... I prefer to think it's because I'm dedicated, competitive and want to get back on the podium lol.... I don't think a lot of people realize how empowered I felt after NOLA..... It made me believe in myself again and realize I can mix it up all over again... another decade, but so is the competition! The running being so slow as the weight came off made the swim and bike better..... something has to improve!

Taxes are done, so that's off my mind for another year.....

No work today, just a strength workout, recovery swim, a bit of choring and having the tech guys hardwire my comp.... I am sick of losing my network every 5 minutes!

When I can finally figure these photos out, I will post them here.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I hate bumps!

Yesterday morning I ended up with two bumps that were diametrically opposed but contributed to the same thing.... I couldn't ride my bike outside today because I got whacked with a rusty nail in the hand and had a tetanus shot, so with a very sore hand and arm I can't hold onto the bike grips, and the tube is inflating with a strange bump in it on my front tire that I can't seem to get out no matter what I do. Of course, if I managed to get out on it, I would get to the farthest point from home on my ride and get a pinch flat, so one more trainer ride! YUCK!

Other than that, getting back into harder training next week will be nice.... I am looking forward to improving my bike and run over NOLA and maintaining or even improving my swim.... a girl can work hard and dream big!

Swim, Bike, Run, Laugh, cheer and CELEBRATE!