Saturday, October 3, 2009

Another Year done!

Hey, I know it's been awhile since I posted, but it doesn't seem to be too widely read and most of my friends know what's going on.

I have successfully completed all three races I set out to do in 2009, albeit slowly, but no faster than expected after 7 years off for injury and lethargy. I think that 2009 finally got my head going in the right direction with my body following closely.

Recapping, I did New Orleans in April, recording my longest tri finish in 7 years and my fastest bike split of the year. Hot as it was, I don't think anything could have taken away the happiness and relief I felt at crossing that line. A confidence booster and vindicator it was. Sylvan was my nemesis in July... I had attempted and not finished that race twice, and I was bound bent and determined to complete it. I set out what I wanted to do, bettering my NOLA time by 25 seconds, having my best swim of the year and battling a really tough bike, then running 4 minutes faster than NOLA...... most important, I finished it.

Last, but not least, I raced Sooke on July 13, and to say the bike course was challenging was an understatement. The hill in that race was so tough I ran my bike up the second part all 4 loops. I had my personal worst both in the bike and overall, but I ran my best time off that tough bike, for the year, on a tough bike course. Could I have done better? Maybe, but not on the day or the season.

I can't consider any of 2009 a failure. I'm not where I want to be timewise or fitness wise, but that will all come with a consistent winter of training and dropping down to my race weight at last.

2010 is looking well.... plans are for a training camp and race in Hawaii in March, Lethbridge in May, Boise in June, Sylvan in July and Muskoka in September with a few others thrown in for sharpness.

All my thanks go out to my friends who have supported me, my coach who guided me and the genetics that let me do what I do where so many others can't. Many of my friends have gone, some are incapable of movement, others are simply lost souls.... I count my blessings....

Till soon


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