Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Value of the Coach

As much as I complain about Mark being a sadist, I have to admit that he has taken me to places in training I would never have gone on my own. Case in point: Sunday, my schedule called for a relatively long run in the morning, and after a 5-6 hour "rest" period (which is when you get to fit in the rest of your life!) another short run. After the first run, I thought "there is no way I will be able to haul my aging fat white butt out that door again!" He proved me wrong.... the short run that evening was actually comfortable and relaxing!!!

This will be the longest training week in my life.... but seeing how it is put together leaves me in awe..... and tired! All teasing aside, I have found that organizing two a day workouts has made me prioritize my life, get rid of the trivial things, not worry about things that really have no consequence, and manage the time I have to get the most out of all facets of my life.

I know that when I get to New Zealand, I will feel confident in my ability to start, execute and complete my Ironman on March 1st. When I am standing on the shore of Lake Taupo at 0700 in my wetsuit and goggles, I will be ready to put all that training into action to the best of my ability now. A year ago, I couldn't have said that.

Along the way, I have had the support of a fabulous family, an unwavering group of friends, and have met new people who have enriched my life and given me confidence. Anyone who knows me well will understand that.... this has been a tough year for me healthwise, but my family, my friends and my coach have given me the courage to bounce back, keep training, accept things for what they are, and carry on. I don't have enough room in this post to thank them all.... but I will get to it eventually!

So in this post, thanks to Mark for all the time he has spent answering my questions, making up my workouts and giving my valuable feedback, giving me the confidence to keep going. This racing season I wasn't fast, but I was THERE.... LaGrange is BACK.... and turning 50 this year will give me a whole new set of competitors, and hopefully this racing season will see me fitter, faster, and smiling crossing more finish lines....

Till then, signing off saying Carpe Diem... seize the day.... the world is your oyster!

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