Sunday, April 19, 2009

I hate bumps!

Yesterday morning I ended up with two bumps that were diametrically opposed but contributed to the same thing.... I couldn't ride my bike outside today because I got whacked with a rusty nail in the hand and had a tetanus shot, so with a very sore hand and arm I can't hold onto the bike grips, and the tube is inflating with a strange bump in it on my front tire that I can't seem to get out no matter what I do. Of course, if I managed to get out on it, I would get to the farthest point from home on my ride and get a pinch flat, so one more trainer ride! YUCK!

Other than that, getting back into harder training next week will be nice.... I am looking forward to improving my bike and run over NOLA and maintaining or even improving my swim.... a girl can work hard and dream big!

Swim, Bike, Run, Laugh, cheer and CELEBRATE!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Back to Real Life

Well, real life has a way of coming back and letting you know the euphoria won't last forever.... but it's still there. I don't think a lot of people really know how much that finish meant to me. I am now back at work scheming how to pay all my bills and save enough to go to Boise next year for the 70.3 there...... I'm sure it can be done.

I whined to Mark that my bike was slower than I wanted, but as he is the coach, his answer made sense.... the work I did on the trainer all winter doesn't equate to being out on the pavement. I have my first ride this Sunday and come rain or shine (not snow) I will be out on the highway for 2 hours...... if that's what it takes, that's what I am willing to do. I am still scheming for that 2 hour run though.... Mark is NOT biting..... darn coach! One day, I will get in a nice long 2 hr run and feel like I am getting places... the swimming is what it is... I hope it will get a bit quicker with more work and confidence.... but the kid is back!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Well, it's amazing how when life hands you lemons...... I made lemonade in New Orleans! Yes, I finished! No, it was NOT fast..... but holy crappoly.... was it HOT.... my biggest fear, of course, was that I would panic in the swim.... the only swim I got to do out there was about 7 minutes because of a wicked storm. It was great to get the bike together and go for a little buzz for about 30 minutes with Patty on the first part of the course while the best cheering section in NATO (Paul and Donna) waited by the Pathfinder and cheered us along.

On race morning, I was up, had some cereal and a banana, lots of water, got all my stuff together for the transition (bike had gone in the night before) and went out to the site. Laid everything out like I knew what I was doing, then took my wetsuit, goggles and neon yellow (yup, neon yellow) cap to the swim start along with my bag of dry clothes to send to the finish line. Put the wetsuit on to the waist, put in my contacts, put glasses and fresh clothes in the bag, sent it to the finish, and stood in the HUGE portapotty line! For a race that started off at 1500, there were apparently 3100 people there.

The pre race briefing kind of freaked me..... talk about alligators and such out on the bike course, which had a few short out and backs on the swamp.... okay, I guess either Guido could take me out there and leave me or a gator could use me for a snack. Neither happened, as the writing of this can tell you.

Got lined up for the swim, it was a walk down the stairs, a wave start, and when the horn went, I saw an opening and just started to stroke. I kept waiting for the panic to set in, but it never did. I passed quite a few of the older fellows in the wave ahead of us and even a few in some of the waves before that, but was really happy.... when I stood up at the end of the swim, the watch said 40:35..... 42:37 through the timing point... apparently a bit long, but NO PANIC.... NO ANXIETY...

Off to the bike..... pedalled for a bit and Patty caught up to me, my swim was about 2 mins faster.... we kept legal and played push me pull you until about 40 km where she left me.... she swears she saw a dozen snakes and some dead ones... I saw a bit of road kill and no gators..... I lived..... there was a headwind for the last 20+ miles, and people were actually walking their biked up the last ramp; I managed to stay on, stay sane and finish the bike through the timing point at 3:19... Patty was 3:13. so she had a great bike..... I put on my runners and trotted out on to the run course.... along Lakeshore, passed Patty again as she pulled a groin muscle, though not really sure where the turn around was. I can honestly say that my medial quads hurt the whole run..... and I was beginning to think I was going to end up in Biloxi, the turn around seemed to take forever! It was also hot as hell, no shade, and I hooked up and ran with a young lady from Mississippi from about mile 3-9, where she trotted on ahead.... after about 4 miles, we turned gratefully into the shade of the city streets...

Down Wisener Rd and throught City Park, lots of shade, I ran almost all the way, a few walking breaks, drank lots, thanked Paul for his advice about salt tablets, as the temp got to 91F on the run, and was feeling pretty emotional when I hit Esplandade Ave..... I knew that I would make it barring an explosion or a heart attack, and only one turn to go, albeit a long stretch down Esplanade to get there...... still a fair bit of shade, blisters hurting both feet, and not caring a bit. I passed quite a few people, some passed me, but when a local runner said he was tired, just keep on going, only one more major intersection then the turn, I didn't stop. I turned onto Decatur, and though I swear it was the longest 800 m of my life, I was absolutely ecstatic! About 100 M from the end, Donna handed my the Canadian flag and I flew it and jumped for joy across the line.... the photographer even took some extra pics of me, they should be on the site on Friday morning..... I was about an hour slower than I wanted to be, but I know where the work needs to be done.... and I didn't really even care... I FINISHED!!! I HUNG IN THERE!!! I DIDN'T PANIC IN THE SWIM!!!... I was done the longest race I had completed in nearly 7 years!

I think I need to listen to Mark, go to camp next month and get my ass handed to me every day! If that's what it takes to get better, bring it on! I was so happy for Brent McMahon, winning and beating Macca into the bargain, and Linsey for hanging with a bad hamstring, and Lisa Bentley for mixing it up.... and of course my bud Patty for braving that groin muscle and coming in about 21 mins after me... but coming in! Next year, maybe St Croix.....

Cheers...... The 70.3 NOLA Belle