Monday, April 13, 2009

Back to Real Life

Well, real life has a way of coming back and letting you know the euphoria won't last forever.... but it's still there. I don't think a lot of people really know how much that finish meant to me. I am now back at work scheming how to pay all my bills and save enough to go to Boise next year for the 70.3 there...... I'm sure it can be done.

I whined to Mark that my bike was slower than I wanted, but as he is the coach, his answer made sense.... the work I did on the trainer all winter doesn't equate to being out on the pavement. I have my first ride this Sunday and come rain or shine (not snow) I will be out on the highway for 2 hours...... if that's what it takes, that's what I am willing to do. I am still scheming for that 2 hour run though.... Mark is NOT biting..... darn coach! One day, I will get in a nice long 2 hr run and feel like I am getting places... the swimming is what it is... I hope it will get a bit quicker with more work and confidence.... but the kid is back!

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