Wednesday, February 18, 2009

water water everywhere

Today I did the longest swim I have ever done in my life... thinking my coach was on crack, I trundled down to the pool and completed the entire workout... 4200M... count 'em yes, more than an Ironman swim! I also have one even longer on Friday, so this could be a very productive swim week! My running is coming back in leaps and bounds, and I think my cycling is pretty fair, though it's hard to tell sweating on a trainer. Mark will either kill me or make me Iron-tough! If the mental toughness is there, and I am sure it is, New Orleans should be a race to remember in a good way! I promise to take lots of photos and post some of my racing that hopefully Donna and Paul will take, and have a finish photo to share.

Swim, bike, run, laugh, enjoy your friends and celebrate life!


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