Thursday, October 8, 2009

The new Year begins!

what a difference a year makes.... last year at this time my mind was so fragile that training was so tentative.... little baby steps.... this year is so different..... I have so much more confidence that training is just part of my day now.... not something to be feared.

I am just hoping that this will translate into some faster times, stronger races and prizes! The past year was all about dipping in my toes.... now I need to be worked like a rented mule! It seems so much easier to haul my butt out of bed and get to the pool with a renewed commitment.... I certainly hope it lasts!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Another Year done!

Hey, I know it's been awhile since I posted, but it doesn't seem to be too widely read and most of my friends know what's going on.

I have successfully completed all three races I set out to do in 2009, albeit slowly, but no faster than expected after 7 years off for injury and lethargy. I think that 2009 finally got my head going in the right direction with my body following closely.

Recapping, I did New Orleans in April, recording my longest tri finish in 7 years and my fastest bike split of the year. Hot as it was, I don't think anything could have taken away the happiness and relief I felt at crossing that line. A confidence booster and vindicator it was. Sylvan was my nemesis in July... I had attempted and not finished that race twice, and I was bound bent and determined to complete it. I set out what I wanted to do, bettering my NOLA time by 25 seconds, having my best swim of the year and battling a really tough bike, then running 4 minutes faster than NOLA...... most important, I finished it.

Last, but not least, I raced Sooke on July 13, and to say the bike course was challenging was an understatement. The hill in that race was so tough I ran my bike up the second part all 4 loops. I had my personal worst both in the bike and overall, but I ran my best time off that tough bike, for the year, on a tough bike course. Could I have done better? Maybe, but not on the day or the season.

I can't consider any of 2009 a failure. I'm not where I want to be timewise or fitness wise, but that will all come with a consistent winter of training and dropping down to my race weight at last.

2010 is looking well.... plans are for a training camp and race in Hawaii in March, Lethbridge in May, Boise in June, Sylvan in July and Muskoka in September with a few others thrown in for sharpness.

All my thanks go out to my friends who have supported me, my coach who guided me and the genetics that let me do what I do where so many others can't. Many of my friends have gone, some are incapable of movement, others are simply lost souls.... I count my blessings....

Till soon


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the beast is done!

I got Sylvan done.... it was not pretty after the swim, which was the best of my life. The bike was hard, hot, windy and hilly, and the run was a mind game the last 5 km but it's over! No more jinx! I do know where I have work to do, it's getting out and mixing it up on the bike with a group for the next 5 weeks and going longer on the run. Then hopefully Sooke will see improvements in those areas.

Mark, I can never thank you enough.... I had the confidence and the fortitude to get rid of a ghost!

Monday, June 15, 2009

getting trashed

I took a few weeks of limited training due to personal issues and family committments, and man, I paid this week in spades! I don't know if it was just not remembering how to eat, or my muscle memory has shortened to 3 nanoseconds, but I am thankful for having this Monday off, as looking ahead, Mark has me working even harder this week... That, coupled with being on a course all week and being expected to be quiet, not ask questions and learn, it should be interesting. I think I'll just use my workouts to pound the bs out of my body!

Like everyone else, life for me is a balance.... all my friends say I'm so dedicated.... I liken it to being the thing that makes me the happiest at this time in my life. I can't see that changing for awhile. My friend Paul says that his philosopy is simple, and it's one I have embraced.... live your life for yourself and do what makes you happy. If you meet someone who shares your philosophy and can be together without settling, life is good. If one person depresses what they want to let the other person live their life their way, it doesn't work. People get hurt, people get resentful, and things get ugly. I have been through the days where I suppressed what I wanted to let the other person have their way.... it really doesn't work. That would be why I am single. If there's someone out there who can put up with my workouts, can put up with me being happy with my life, and likes the fact I would allow him to do the same, tell me who you are!

On a completely different note, my friend Sean did his first 1/2 this weekend in Kansas, and he did great. Linsey was second in Boise behind her team mate Maggali, and that's not too shabby for not doing much running after NO.... I am gearing up for Sylvan Lake, the race that has taken it's toll on me for two years.... this is going to be third time lucky..... my body and my mindset are completely different....

My friends, smiling and enjoying life is a lot easier, a lot more fun and a lot less stressful than worrying and being afraid. Sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching, and love like you're not worried about your heart breaking...... it works..... swim, bike, run, live, love, laugh, celebrate and enjoy!

PS If anyone takes offense to the BS part about my course, please see me instead of running to the boss to whine and brown nose! lol


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yes, I can

I am so lucky that during my lifetime I found that sweet place in my life once again. Most people never find it, I got it back! I am content, fit, training well, and loving life.... not much more to say. I guess I got that one moment in time.....

Friday, May 1, 2009

techno dopey

I can't seem to get the photos Donna sent me to download on here. I want to show people my race in NOLA, but I must have missed that day! Any help would be appreciated.

On a good note, training is going well, despite missing Wednesday due to a broken tooth. Thankfully I can make things up as I go through the rest of the week. That's what comes with having no life...... I prefer to think it's because I'm dedicated, competitive and want to get back on the podium lol.... I don't think a lot of people realize how empowered I felt after NOLA..... It made me believe in myself again and realize I can mix it up all over again... another decade, but so is the competition! The running being so slow as the weight came off made the swim and bike better..... something has to improve!

Taxes are done, so that's off my mind for another year.....

No work today, just a strength workout, recovery swim, a bit of choring and having the tech guys hardwire my comp.... I am sick of losing my network every 5 minutes!

When I can finally figure these photos out, I will post them here.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I hate bumps!

Yesterday morning I ended up with two bumps that were diametrically opposed but contributed to the same thing.... I couldn't ride my bike outside today because I got whacked with a rusty nail in the hand and had a tetanus shot, so with a very sore hand and arm I can't hold onto the bike grips, and the tube is inflating with a strange bump in it on my front tire that I can't seem to get out no matter what I do. Of course, if I managed to get out on it, I would get to the farthest point from home on my ride and get a pinch flat, so one more trainer ride! YUCK!

Other than that, getting back into harder training next week will be nice.... I am looking forward to improving my bike and run over NOLA and maintaining or even improving my swim.... a girl can work hard and dream big!

Swim, Bike, Run, Laugh, cheer and CELEBRATE!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Back to Real Life

Well, real life has a way of coming back and letting you know the euphoria won't last forever.... but it's still there. I don't think a lot of people really know how much that finish meant to me. I am now back at work scheming how to pay all my bills and save enough to go to Boise next year for the 70.3 there...... I'm sure it can be done.

I whined to Mark that my bike was slower than I wanted, but as he is the coach, his answer made sense.... the work I did on the trainer all winter doesn't equate to being out on the pavement. I have my first ride this Sunday and come rain or shine (not snow) I will be out on the highway for 2 hours...... if that's what it takes, that's what I am willing to do. I am still scheming for that 2 hour run though.... Mark is NOT biting..... darn coach! One day, I will get in a nice long 2 hr run and feel like I am getting places... the swimming is what it is... I hope it will get a bit quicker with more work and confidence.... but the kid is back!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Well, it's amazing how when life hands you lemons...... I made lemonade in New Orleans! Yes, I finished! No, it was NOT fast..... but holy crappoly.... was it HOT.... my biggest fear, of course, was that I would panic in the swim.... the only swim I got to do out there was about 7 minutes because of a wicked storm. It was great to get the bike together and go for a little buzz for about 30 minutes with Patty on the first part of the course while the best cheering section in NATO (Paul and Donna) waited by the Pathfinder and cheered us along.

On race morning, I was up, had some cereal and a banana, lots of water, got all my stuff together for the transition (bike had gone in the night before) and went out to the site. Laid everything out like I knew what I was doing, then took my wetsuit, goggles and neon yellow (yup, neon yellow) cap to the swim start along with my bag of dry clothes to send to the finish line. Put the wetsuit on to the waist, put in my contacts, put glasses and fresh clothes in the bag, sent it to the finish, and stood in the HUGE portapotty line! For a race that started off at 1500, there were apparently 3100 people there.

The pre race briefing kind of freaked me..... talk about alligators and such out on the bike course, which had a few short out and backs on the swamp.... okay, I guess either Guido could take me out there and leave me or a gator could use me for a snack. Neither happened, as the writing of this can tell you.

Got lined up for the swim, it was a walk down the stairs, a wave start, and when the horn went, I saw an opening and just started to stroke. I kept waiting for the panic to set in, but it never did. I passed quite a few of the older fellows in the wave ahead of us and even a few in some of the waves before that, but was really happy.... when I stood up at the end of the swim, the watch said 40:35..... 42:37 through the timing point... apparently a bit long, but NO PANIC.... NO ANXIETY...

Off to the bike..... pedalled for a bit and Patty caught up to me, my swim was about 2 mins faster.... we kept legal and played push me pull you until about 40 km where she left me.... she swears she saw a dozen snakes and some dead ones... I saw a bit of road kill and no gators..... I lived..... there was a headwind for the last 20+ miles, and people were actually walking their biked up the last ramp; I managed to stay on, stay sane and finish the bike through the timing point at 3:19... Patty was 3:13. so she had a great bike..... I put on my runners and trotted out on to the run course.... along Lakeshore, passed Patty again as she pulled a groin muscle, though not really sure where the turn around was. I can honestly say that my medial quads hurt the whole run..... and I was beginning to think I was going to end up in Biloxi, the turn around seemed to take forever! It was also hot as hell, no shade, and I hooked up and ran with a young lady from Mississippi from about mile 3-9, where she trotted on ahead.... after about 4 miles, we turned gratefully into the shade of the city streets...

Down Wisener Rd and throught City Park, lots of shade, I ran almost all the way, a few walking breaks, drank lots, thanked Paul for his advice about salt tablets, as the temp got to 91F on the run, and was feeling pretty emotional when I hit Esplandade Ave..... I knew that I would make it barring an explosion or a heart attack, and only one turn to go, albeit a long stretch down Esplanade to get there...... still a fair bit of shade, blisters hurting both feet, and not caring a bit. I passed quite a few people, some passed me, but when a local runner said he was tired, just keep on going, only one more major intersection then the turn, I didn't stop. I turned onto Decatur, and though I swear it was the longest 800 m of my life, I was absolutely ecstatic! About 100 M from the end, Donna handed my the Canadian flag and I flew it and jumped for joy across the line.... the photographer even took some extra pics of me, they should be on the site on Friday morning..... I was about an hour slower than I wanted to be, but I know where the work needs to be done.... and I didn't really even care... I FINISHED!!! I HUNG IN THERE!!! I DIDN'T PANIC IN THE SWIM!!!... I was done the longest race I had completed in nearly 7 years!

I think I need to listen to Mark, go to camp next month and get my ass handed to me every day! If that's what it takes to get better, bring it on! I was so happy for Brent McMahon, winning and beating Macca into the bargain, and Linsey for hanging with a bad hamstring, and Lisa Bentley for mixing it up.... and of course my bud Patty for braving that groin muscle and coming in about 21 mins after me... but coming in! Next year, maybe St Croix.....

Cheers...... The 70.3 NOLA Belle

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Last Chance!

It's the night before take off... the work is done, the butterflies are learning their formation.... I only want to finish this to put the polish on my confidence. When I cross that line, it will be a new beginning for me.... time to start kicking some ass, firstly my own..... I have gained so much confidence and have been so touched and amazed by all the support..... I have my flag, I have my gear, I have my best friend to cheer me on, my friends from DC coming Thursday, this will be the test. It doesn't matter that I won't be first... I will finish. Rock on, friends, I'm off to the Big Easy to do the Big Race.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

single digits!

Well here we are only 8 days to blast off.... my plane leaves at 0759 on the 1st of April, and I race 4 days later. All the work is done, the sweating is over, now the worrying begins. When I cross the finish line in NOLA, it will be my longest completed race in nearly 7 years. I have now doubt barring a fatal crash or a meteor strike I will finish. I feel stronger all around than I have in many many years.

I always thought triathlon was a personal and solo pursuit... I was wrong. The people on my team at work surprised me by telling me how dedicated they think I am to keep going, how strong willed I am to train through the winter and how brave I am to even take this on. I only hope some of them donate to the foundation! I am humbled by their admiration.

Coach Mark is recommending I go to camp at the end of May for a week of ass-kicking workouts, schmoozing with others and training with others as well. It will be a chance to see my brother and sister in law, my neice and nephew, and hopefully elevate my game, as coach seems to think this will do.... only one small problem.... time off can be a concern. I have it, but will they give it? The only hope I think I have is to take one of the weeks I have in Sept, trade it for the week in May and then pad my week in Sept with a few personal and holiday days. Cross your fingers, pray if you do, and hope for the best. I think I need this. As I told Mark, if you wanna run with the big dogs, you have to jump off the porch.... here's my chance!

Till soon

Swim, bike, run, laugh, finish, celebrate and cheer


Monday, March 9, 2009

Mr Bravehart

First off, this entry has little to do with me and much to do about some of the people who do things more for the good of others than themselves.
I belong to a cause to help raise money and awareness for trisomy 18 babies,, along with a number of other people.... if you're not familiar with it, check it out, join our cause and donate if you can. I am doing New Orleans with these little tykes and their families in mind, as did a friend of mine recently. He did IM New Zealand on Saturday, and it was a personal thing as well as raising awareness and money for the cause.

David "Ninja" Njiwhan from Kokomo Indiana missed the bike cutoff last year during the miserable IMNZ we both experienced. Ninja decided he had to go back to NZ this year and settle up some unfinished business. Last year we both met Michael Hennessey, the fellow who started ironmanforkids and set a world record by doing 15 Ironman races in one year. That was incredible, but Michael is a humble, giving and unselfish man... he was doing this to raise awareness of this very sad disease that robs these families of the joy of bringing up their children. Trisomy 18 babies normally live mere days.

David thought that doing this race would only be for the kids.... he felt that finishing his first Ironman was totally secondary... and in a way, he is correct. He wanted so many times to stop, when his cleat came undone from his shoe and he had to ride with only one shoe for 20 miles while someone fixed it, and all during the run where he alternately jogged and walked through the marathon, he wanted so many times to pull out and lay down. He didn't, he just kept thinking of baby Jeremy, a trisomy baby who lived less than 24 hours, whose memorial Ninja attended, and to whom he dedicated the race. To make a long story short, he perservered in 16 hours 10 minutes, got a young kid to run the last 100m with him, and even though it was secondary... hearing Mike Reilly say "David 'Ninja' Nijawhan, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!" still felt fabulous, but after all that, the sore feet, the doubts, the wanting to stop so many times.... Ninja, you're more than an Ironman, you're a hero for these kids... and one of mine.

God bless you Ninja..... from the kids

Swim, bike, run, laugh, celebrate and love


Monday, March 2, 2009

how come? how come?

I want to know why when running was always my strength, always the place I could count on to redeem myself for a crappy swim or bike, I am afraid of running... I guess the long runs seem daunting, though I have no problem with them once I get trucking.

I have some theories, some of them weird and some of them good..... it has forced me to get over my fear of pain during the run (other than the normal fatigue and sore muscles) realize that I won't probably run as fast as I did when I was 35, and embrace the crowds.... hell, I'll be looking at them longer, why not like them?

It has also forced me not to rely on my run.... hone my swim (I will never be Michele Phelps) and use the time on the trainer to be a better biker. Best of all, it has taught me I can improve my run gradually over the next few years and maybe win some age group stuff... look out old ladies! I tri because I love it..... and improvement is good!

30 days to take off to New Orleans, a holiday with my best friend, seeing my pals from DC again and enjoying some time in the Big Easy.... laissez les bons temps roulez!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

all done whining!

The last few entries in my blog have been pretty philosophical, so I don't want to burden and whine.

Training is going really well with two monster swims and some smoking good runs and bikes. I am getting a little antsy about the bike as it's serious winter here and I can't get out on the road until all the ice is gone. I keep watching the weather channel in hopes that it will miraculously show me that by wednesday the snow will melt and I can put on my warm suit, take Violet (my bike) out onto the Henday for a 3 hour tilt, and I will feel a little more confident about riding 90km in NO in 5 weeks.. even a few long rides would make me feel WAY more comfortable.

Even though I have been running in the sub zero weather, I feel confident for my run because I know that shorts will be nice......

The really good news is I think that Best Buy Sports has finally sent my wetsuit after 7 months of promises....... PLEASE let that be my parcel!!

Rob, hope you're reading this after Hockey Day in Canada, yes, I'm doing well and ready to rock New Orleans!

Swim, bike, run, laugh, cheer and celebrate!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

water water everywhere

Today I did the longest swim I have ever done in my life... thinking my coach was on crack, I trundled down to the pool and completed the entire workout... 4200M... count 'em yes, more than an Ironman swim! I also have one even longer on Friday, so this could be a very productive swim week! My running is coming back in leaps and bounds, and I think my cycling is pretty fair, though it's hard to tell sweating on a trainer. Mark will either kill me or make me Iron-tough! If the mental toughness is there, and I am sure it is, New Orleans should be a race to remember in a good way! I promise to take lots of photos and post some of my racing that hopefully Donna and Paul will take, and have a finish photo to share.

Swim, bike, run, laugh, enjoy your friends and celebrate life!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

giving back

Yesterday I did something I haven't done in a while, and have never really done with a totally open and selfless heart. I volunteered at the Canadian Birkebeiner ski race, and must have run 20K up and down a hill encouraging and cheering people on. That was my weekly run! I am sore in a few weird places, but it is a great feeling to know that you were there at 47.8 km of a 55 km race and people smiled because you got them up a hill and on their way to the next stop.

New Orleans update: Donna and I are now on the same flight from Denver to NO, and from NO to Chicago on the way back... and the week in between will be fun! I hope she takes lots of pics and lends me her camera to down load them or I get a REALLY big bonus and get a nice little one of my own. Looking forward to jazz and blues (will be thinking of you, Rob) a paddlewheeler ride (thinking of Mark Twain) and the rest of the hoopla..... that's for Donna and me!

Training is going well, I am smiling, my old friends are shocked at my happy thin self, and life is sunny..

Swim, bike, run, laugh, cheer, celebrate...... living well is the best revenge!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

booking.... check!

Whew! I now have my entry confirmed and my flight booked.... my new job here at work tires me out and sometimes dragging myself through training is exactly that.... but I do love the racing and training.... so up I get, running I go, pedalling in my living room and swimming long satisfying workouts!

My best friend in the entire world is going with me, she has never seen me race..... we have different ways of getting there, but the important thing is sharing this week and this race with her.... I am sure she will have some pics to share!

I am 30 lbs lighter, but still have 17 to go to be where I want to be.... I feel great now but know where my best racing is done. I am also SO looking forward to seeing my friends from the States, Paul can't race because of a torn rotator cuff, but his humour will have Donna in stitches watching the race while his wife and I slug it out on the flats!

No trip to New Orleans would be complete without some Jazz, some Jambalaya and a trip on a paddlewheeler.... then relax, put up the feet and go to the pasta load, then Sunday April 5.... RACE DAY!!! After the race, windup dinner and awards (not worried about a victory speech at this point, just composing myself after finishing and not drooling).... and on the last day, a trip to the French Quarter for dinner, coincidentally on my other friends birthday.... and she's French! lol

I am so thankful to have the opportunity to put myself back out there.... thanks to my friends, my coach, and my new belief that what I want to do counts most...... Swim, bike, run, hug your friends, celebrate and cheer them on!

Life is good....


Friday, February 6, 2009

forward ho!

This entry will probably not have much to do with triathlon, and everything to do with the reason I do what I do.
As most know, my 2008 was, in a word, brutal.... horrific..... devastating..... starting in NZ with someone trying to tell me I was worthless, to a hypothermic DNF and Ironman, I spiralled down to a point I thought I would never be able to crawl out of. Martin Luther King used to say "I have been to the mountaintop".... well, I have been to the exact opposite end of that mountaintop..... the darkest pit you can imagine, culminating with the passing of my dog in August. I guess I could have stayed in that dark hole and been a professional victim, but if anyone can say anything about me, I am tough as nails... independent, tough, stubborn.... but lots of good stuff too.

To make a long story short, I trashed my rear view mirror.... 2008 was only a learning experience and a test to make me a better person. Only forward looking from now on. That in itself was a big hurdle.... when you have people in your life who have poisoned your outlook, made you doubt yourself, your abilities and your worth, you get to the fork in the road.... either continue down the pity path, or choose to shed your hate, anger, and fear, and above all, forgive yourself for being human and move on. I have shed my hate, anger and fear, and am doing a damn fine job of forgiving myself for picking all the wrong people to share my life. I don't have to forgive them.... that would be a bonus for them if I did.....they obviously never cared enough for me to actually deserve what I have to offer, so the proper thing to say is "NEXT"....

Crawling out of that pit and into the sunshine of my own life is like a second chance.... never to be taken lightly. I am again strong, tough and ready to rock New Orleans..... I am training with an open heart and a love for movement and racing.

I realize that the training I am doing, the 3.5 hr rides, the 90 minute runs and the monster swims are nothing compared to putting back the pieces of the shattered life I had..... I am not whole, but there is nothing missing that isn't on the horizon.... therefore, I look forward only..... nothing worth having is easy..... that is such a platitude, but the truest one I have ever known or experienced. I don't have to settle for last years stale Easter Bunny with the half chewed ears when there is Bernard Callibaut in life.... my work, my team, my friends, my sport..... it can all be the best chocolate I choose it to be...

Swim, bike, run, laugh, celebrate and cheer...... life is good


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Okay, I really thought he was a nice guy....

Well, today, I officially start my 12 week harder block of training.... of course there are some easy weeks but certainly not like the holidays...... the worst part was resisting kicking the crap out of my alarm at 0630. But get up I did, and it was... wait for it...... only -12C!!! So I hopped into my Gortex suit and other assorted gear, and went for my "tempo" run..... as described by coach Mark..... but it was more 10 minute creak, 30 mins steady trot without dying, and 10 mins of creaking....

I know that this is all good for me, but I know that if you see me under a black cloud and bags under my eyes..... don't worry, I'll catch up on my sleep on the weekend, I really will.... I think that although this will definitely give me some speed and endurance to have a far better season, this is going to test my mettle...... 2009 is going to be an all around better year!

On a completely different note, my best friend's sister had a liver transplant, one more reason to look forward only in the next year.... I have so much to be thankful for, so no whining! Off to the pool to do the things lots of my friends only dream of!

Party on to New Orleans!